Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Children can Imitate from Their Parents and Friends’ Drinking's Behavior

Even though children’s drinking is to imitate from their friends, it’s also that parents' drinking’ behavior can impact to their children. For example, when children see their parents drunk too many times, they might imitate as their parents’ action in one day. Other example, the more time teenagers spend with friends, the more likely they are to drink alcohol. According on BBC news website, in a survey of 5700 children, one in five children have been drunk at age 14, and half of them have been drunk at age 16. Moreover the children who have been drunk will affect to their education as well because alcohol can impact many negative things to them. In my opinion, I suggest that parents should be careful about their acting that can affect problem to their children, and one more thing is that I hope children who are below 18 should not try with alcohol. An addition, children should think before doing something, especially think that it’s good or bad for themselves and society.

Here is Video from BBC: 

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