Thursday, December 8, 2011

Zaman University:

          Zaman University aspires to be a bold and dynamic community, with an unparalleled sense of commitment, which strives for positive influence and impact on Cambodia. (University Cambodia) Zaman University will be home to an academic community who will in turn promote outstanding individuals to succeed in our fast-changing world (Cambodia University).
Zaman University mission is: To discover, preserve, and disseminate knowledge, produce creative work, and promote a culture of broad inquiry throughout and beyond the Zaman community (Phnom Penh University).
Zaman University vision is: Zaman University will be a prominent university in Cambodia, the region and the world known for its academic excellence and producing quality human resources (University Phnom Penh).

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Children can Imitate from Their Parents and Friends’ Drinking's Behavior

Even though children’s drinking is to imitate from their friends, it’s also that parents' drinking’ behavior can impact to their children. For example, when children see their parents drunk too many times, they might imitate as their parents’ action in one day. Other example, the more time teenagers spend with friends, the more likely they are to drink alcohol. According on BBC news website, in a survey of 5700 children, one in five children have been drunk at age 14, and half of them have been drunk at age 16. Moreover the children who have been drunk will affect to their education as well because alcohol can impact many negative things to them. In my opinion, I suggest that parents should be careful about their acting that can affect problem to their children, and one more thing is that I hope children who are below 18 should not try with alcohol. An addition, children should think before doing something, especially think that it’s good or bad for themselves and society.

Here is Video from BBC: 

Unforgettable Memory

This video song “Best Friend Forever” was on June 2008, and that day was my graduation ceremony at Phnom Penh Hotel. Whenever I watch this video song, it made me remember the time that my classmates and I were the last day that we met there together. Moreover, it reminded me what i had spent my time with them in high school until we all graduated. I really miss those times, and It was my unforgettable memory that my friends and I had done everything in the past. However, I hope that visitors who visit my blog will enjoy this video song.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Highest Flying Bird

Bar-headed geese can fly over the Himalaya in eight hours

Do you know what the highest flying bird is? As you can see in the picture above, it is a kind of birds and also waterbirds as well, named goose (plural= geese). Do you believe those geese can be? According to National Geographic News website, a new study found, an Asian goose that can fly up and over the Himalaya mountain around 8 hours. Moreover, this bird reached a maximum hight of nearly 6.437 meters, research found.
Geese’s bodies built for high flying:
-          Past studies have shown that their bodies can deliver more oxygen to muscle cell faster

-          Bar-headed geese can breathe in and out very rapidly without getting dizzy.



            Rihanna’s birth name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty and there are 3 nicknames of her such as, Riri, Caribbean Queen, and The Barbados Babe. She was born on 20; February 1988 in a country in Barbados called St. Michael. She is a Barbadian R&B, and her height is 1.78m.

            In 2005, Rihanna released her album, Music of the Sun, which was in the top ten of the BillBoard 200(a ranking of the 200 highest-selling music albums and extended play in the United States). In 2006, she also released her album, A Girl Like Me, which is the top five of the billboard albums. In 2007, Good Girl Gone Bad has been released by her that is number 2 on the Billboard 200. On November 2010, Rihanna took place number 1 of US and UK of her albums “Only Girl”, “What is my name?” and the international “hit S&M”. 

            Her career has been successful from the beginning since she entered as the musician in United States at the age of 16 by contract with Def jam after audition from Jay-Z because her melody is amazing singer. Moreover, the meanings of her lyrics are kind of Romantic songs, and I think her voice makes me and also some people enjoy her songs as well.

let listen and watch her song "only girl(in the world)":

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can Smart Phone be Thinner than Credit Card?

A Smartphone is a mobile phone offering advanced capabilities, often with PC-like functionality. Here are some pictures of smart phones:
Iphone 4

-          In Taipei, they found a Smartphone that is thinner than a credit card:

-          Here are the ways they design it:
It places a layer of non-adhesvie material between the plastic display and the glass base plate

-          However, this Smartphone has advantages and disadvantages of using it:
  Its thickness is going be comparable to a piece of paper.
  It can be bent or rolled.
  It’s very durable- very difficult to break even if you try. (show the clip)
      It might have some drawbacks:
  Easy to lose and hard to find
  Get blown away easily
  It has not been shown to have waterproof characteristic.  

Here is a video about a thinnest smart phone:

Steel-String Acoustic Guitar

Steel-String Acoustic Guitar

            Guitar is a kind of musical instruments, and it’s usually played with a pick or player’s fingers. There are mainly 2 types of guitar-acoustic and bass. They can be divided in to 3 different groups according their characteristics-classical guitar, steel-string acoustic guitar and archtop guitar. However, in this blog I will describe only steel-string acoustic guitar.
            Basically, there are 4 main parts of guitar such as head, neck, strings and body. First of all, head of guitar consists of 6 knobs that are used to adjust the strings to make a fine tune. Then comes the neck which is the part that connects the head to the body. It also supports the 6 strings. As it is an acoustic type guitar, it has 6 strings; each string has differences thickness. The strings produce vibration when played. Last, the body is a bulky part which has a hole in the middle. This is the description of the four main parts of guitar.

So have you ever wondered how guitar produces a beautiful tune? 

A guitar player firstly adjusts the strings to ensure that it’s not too loose or tight because the guitar will produce an undesirable tune. After strings are adjusted, the player can start to hold and strike the strings according to the chords. These actions produce vibration which then passes through the hole in middle of the body where the vibration is amplified to produce a fine tune as the end product. Actually this fine tune is the aspect that makes guitar lovely.
            In conclusion, all the four parts are very important for producing a fine tune. In my opinion, I’m pleasure to listen to guitar song because it’s a great musical instrument.

Here is a cool video "Right Here Waiting" of Steel-String Acoustic Guitar: 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Lightning Thief

Disc Cover

I would like to describe about this movie. For this movie, The Lightning Thief use concept Greek Mythology in a modern setting, and it’s written in a fast-paced humorous style, the setting is in 21st century, USA.
However I would to share the plot of this movie:
  Zeus’s lightning bolt is stolen and Zeus said there will be a war if he didn’t get his.
  Then  Percy Jackson is the one who is suspected as the thief
  On the way, A Monster tries to get lightning from Percy and he ran into the Camp Half Blood, but unfortunately, his mother was disappeared.
  In the Camp Half Blood:
-   They tell Percy about his father (Poseidon) who is god of the sea and it mean that he is a demigod ( half god and half human)
-  In the party, Hades comes out and said to Percy that brings me the lightning bolt to change your mother in the Underworld.
-  At that night, Percy and his friends Annabeth and Grover get map and it have 3 missions to complete to underworld, and also Percy get the shield and flying shoes from Luke.
  In the Underworld, Percy finds the Lightning Bolt in the shield. Hades has been killed. Then Percy helps his mother and they get out the Underworld.
  On the way Percy want to bring the Lightning Bolt to the Zeus, Luke want to grab it and run away. However, Percy kills Luke and then brings the Lightning Bolt to the Zeus.
  In the end, there is no war and everything is okay.

3 main characters: 
Percy Jackson (son of Poseidon) : A demigod (half human and half god)
Annabeth: daughter of Goddess Athena

Grover: Percy’s protector

 Here is trailer for this movie:

Our Future Planes!!!


Northrop Grumman Concept

Have you ever heard about future planes before? And who will invest on this project? For these, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) invest these projects and only three companies, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and The Boeing, have won a contract of making planes which will be able ready in 2025.

However, for these projects, NASA wants companies have to design the planes up to fly
85% of speed of sound (SoS=1236 km/h), 1050.6 km/h if compare to normal speed 836.86 km/h in present, carry from 50,000 to 10,000 pound, larger which cans carry more people and things. Quieter, burn fuel slower and can fly a range about 7,000 miles that are the problems of them to make a perfect project. Anyway, I agree with the projects to make future planes, and I believe that our future planes will be useful for people and the fly will reduce the duration, and have more comfortable.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to have a regular sleep

Here are some tips to make you have a good sleep:
  • Set a regular bedtime: you should choose the time to sleep and try to do this at the same time every night.
    •  Wake up early at the same time every day.
    •   Having a smart nap if you are sleepy: make a limit it to 30 minutes.
    • If you are sleeping at night but not at the right time, you should do something else to avoid sleeping and try to sleep according to your schedule.
    It’s not that hard to follow these tips, all you need is some time to develop that habit. If you follow them properly, you usually get sleepy at that time according to your schedule, Moreover, it would be better also to spend time doing something else such as reading books or watch TV, which allow you to sleep regularly.

    History of Paper

    Bamboos Scrolls (in the past)



              Do you know why people need to write? I believe that writing is used to stock information, transfer data, share ideas, expression… etc. and do you know what did people use to write on? According to my research, before inventing the paper in China, bone and bamboo as tablets were used to write as the paper to make the documents for a long time ago. However, the light material of silk was rarely used to write because it’s too expensive than the bamboo or bone. By 105AD, Paper was originally invented by Chinese in Han Dynasty and spread slowly and slowly to other countries. Then, since people knew that the silk was too cozy and tablets of bamboos were heavy, they found the way of using paper for writing to be easier to carry. Finally, papermaking was advance in 19th century, they created paper from the steam-driven machine which be made as the book-size quantity and was updated to be better until nowadays.

                                               Books ( in present)

    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    Cesar Millan (professional dog trainer)

    Cesar (August 27, 1969), Mexican-American, is professional dog trainer who is known in his television series The Dog Whisperer which is shown on National Geographic channel. First of all, he grew up with the dogs and declared to his mother that he wants to be the best dog trainer in Mexico. However, he illegally immigrated to US when he was 21 and worked in a pet store with many aggressive dogs. Later, he created a Dog Psychology Center in South Los Angeles where he trained many dogs and succeeded in helping dogs’ owners on how to deal with their dogs. For this, he had influence on dogs quickly after he talked with the owners’. Moreover, he had powerful to change the aggressive dogs become a calm and smart dogs. It’s very interesting and surprising for me while I was watching the positive result from what he acted to the dogs.
     you can view the vidoes by clicking here.