Wednesday, May 25, 2011

History of Paper

Bamboos Scrolls (in the past)



          Do you know why people need to write? I believe that writing is used to stock information, transfer data, share ideas, expression… etc. and do you know what did people use to write on? According to my research, before inventing the paper in China, bone and bamboo as tablets were used to write as the paper to make the documents for a long time ago. However, the light material of silk was rarely used to write because it’s too expensive than the bamboo or bone. By 105AD, Paper was originally invented by Chinese in Han Dynasty and spread slowly and slowly to other countries. Then, since people knew that the silk was too cozy and tablets of bamboos were heavy, they found the way of using paper for writing to be easier to carry. Finally, papermaking was advance in 19th century, they created paper from the steam-driven machine which be made as the book-size quantity and was updated to be better until nowadays.

                                           Books ( in present)

1 comment:

  1. This is a good topic as you have told us about the origin of the papers. We can know how hard that people in the ancient time have just to write any documents. Writing on the bamboo using any cutter or knife, what about erase? It is much more difficult. Therefore, people have to be very concentrate and careful on what they are writing. If they make only a mistake in their writing, they will write it again. In addition, this topic told us to appreciate of the work that some people try to develop our writing tools.
